CoinMP Parameter Options

List of Options

Option Name MPL Name Solver Param ParamNr Type Default Min Max
Algorithm OptimizeAlgorithm SolveMethod 1 list 1 0 5
Presolve level PresolveType PresolveType 2 list 0 0 2
Scaling Scaling Scaling 3 list 0 0 2
Perturbation Perturbation Perturbation 4 list 0 -MAXREAL MAXREAL
Log output level LogLevel LogLevel 7 int 1 0 4
Iteration limit IterationLimit MaxIter 8 int 99999999 0 MAXINT
Time limit SolTimeLimit MaxSeconds 16 real -1 -1 MAXREAL
Use crash method CrashInd CrashInd 9 flag 0 0 1
Crash pivoting method CrashPivot CrashPivot 10 list 0 -1 3
Crash gap CrashGap CrashGap 11 real 1000.0 0 MAXREAL
Primal objective limit PrimalObjectLimit PrimalObjLim 12 real MAXREAL 0.0 MAXREAL
Dual objective limit DualObjectLimit DualObjLim 13 real MAXREAL 0.0 MAXREAL
Primal tolerance PrimalTolerance PrimalTolerance 14 1e-7 0 MAXREAL
Dual tolerance DualTolerance DualObjTol 15 1e-7 0 MAXREAL
Node limit MipNodeLimit MIPMaxNodes 17 int 9999999 0 9999999
Maximum integer solutions MipSolutionLimit MIPMaxSol 18 int 9999999 0 9999999
MIP time limit MipSolTimeLimit MIPMaxSec 19 int 9999999 0 9999999
Use fathoming discipline MipFathomDiscipline MIPFathomDisc 20 flag 0 0 1
Minimum drop MipMinimumDrop MIPMinimumDrop 22 int 1e-4 -MAXINT MAXINT
Maximum cut passes MipMaxCutPasses MIPMaxCutPass 23 int 10 0 MAXINT
Maximum root node cut passes MIPMaxPassRoot MipMaxPassRoot 24 int 20 0 MAXINT
Strong branching level MipStrongBranching MipStrongBranch 25 int 5 0 MAXINT
Scanning for global cuts MipScanGlobalCuts MIPScanGlobCuts 26 int 1 0 MAXINT
Integral feasibility tolerance MipIntegerTol MIPIntTol 30 real 1e-6 0 1
MIP Cut-off value MipCutoffIncrement MIPCutOff 32 real 1e-5 0 1
Absolute optimality gap MipAbsoluteGap MIPAbsGap 33 real 1e-10 0 MAXREAL
Use probing MipCutProbing MIPCutProbing 110 flag 1 0 1
Probing frequency MipProbeFrequency MIPProbeFreq 111 int -1 -MAXINT MAXINT
Use objective in probe MipProbeUseObjective MIPProbeUseObj 113 flag 1 0 1
Maximum node passes for probing MipProbeMaxPass MIPProbeMaxPass 114 int 3 0 MAXINT
Probing variable limit MipProbeMaxProbe MIPProbeMaxProbe 115 int 100 0 MAXINT
Maximum single probing MipProbeMaxLook MIPProbeMaxLook 116 int 50 0 MAXINT
Row cuts MipProbeRowCuts MIPProbeRowCuts 117 list 0 0 3
Gomory cuts MipCutGomory MIPCutGomory 120 flag 1 0 1
Gomory frequency MipGomoryFrequency MIPGomoryFreq 121 int -1 -MAXINT MAXINT
Gomory limit MipGomoryLimit MIPGomoryLimit 122 int 50 1 MAXINT
Gomory tolerance MipGomoryAway MIPGomoryAway 123 real 0.05 0.0001 0.5
Knapsack cuts MipCutKnapsack MIPCutKnapsack 130 flag 1 0 1
Knapsack frequency MipKnapsackFrequency MIPKnapsackFreq 131 int -1 -MAXINT MAXINT
Knapsack limit MipKnapsackMaxIn MIPKnapsackMaxIn 132 int 50 1 MAXINT
Oddhole cuts MipCutOddHole MIPCutOddhole 140 flag 1 0 1
Oddhole frequency MipOddHoleFrequency MIPOddholeFreq 141 int -1 -MAXINT MAXINT
Oddhole minimum violation MipOddHoleFrequency MIPOddholeMinViol 142 real 0.001 1.01e-8 0.5
Oddhole minimum violation entry MipOddHoleMinViolPer MIPOddholeMinViolPer 143 real 0.0003 1.01e-8 0.25
Oddhole limit MipOddHoleMaxEntries MIPOddholeMaxEntries 144 int 100 3 MAXINT
Clique cuts MipCutClique MIPCutClique 150 flag 1 0 1
Clique frequency MipCliqueFrequency MIPCliqueFrequency 151 int -1 -MAXINT MAXINT
Clique set packing MipCliquePacking MIPCliquePacking 152 flag 0 0 1
Clique star MipCliqueStar MIPCliqueStar 153 flag 1 0 1
Clique star candidate threshold MipCliqueStarMaxLen MIPCliqueStarMaxLen 155 int 12 0 MAXINT
Clique star report MipCliqueStarMaxLen MIPCliqueStarMaxLen 156 flag 1 0 1
Clique row MipCliqueRow MIPCliqueRow 157 flag 1 0 1
Clique row candidate threshold MipCliqueRowMaxLen MIPCliqueRowMaxLen 158 int 12 0 MAXINT
Clique row report MipCliqueRowReport MIPCliqueRowReport 159 flag 1 0 1
Clique minimum violation MipCliqueMinViolation MipCliqueMinViolation 160 real -1 -MAXREAL MAXREAL
Lift and project cuts MipCutLiftAndProject MIPCutLiftProject 170 flag 1 0 1
Lift and project cut frequency MipLiftCoverFrequency MIPLiftProFreq 171 int -1 -MAXINT MAXINT
Lift and project normalization MipLiftCoverBetaOne MIPLiftProBetaOne 172 flag 1 0 1
Simple rounding cuts MipCutSimpleRounding MIPCutSimpRound 180 flag 1 0 1
Simple rounding cut frequency MipSimpleRoundFrequency MIPSimpRoundFreq 180 int -1 -MAXINT MAXINT

Description of Options


Indicates which algorithm type to use when solving LPs.

Dual Simplex (0) Use the Dual Simplex method.
Primal Simplex (1) Use the Primal Simplex method.
Primal Simplex or Sprint (2) Use the Primal Simplex or Sprint method.
Barrier (3) Use the Barrier Interior point method.
Barrier with no crossover (4) Use the Barrier method with no crossover.
Automatic (5) Solver decides based on model characteristics.

Presolve level

This refers if CoinMP's presolver will be invoked.

None (0) No presolve done.
Do presolve (1) Uses the presolver.
Presovle passes (2) Applies a number of presolve passes.


This sets what type of scaling procedure will be employed. The possible values are:

No scaling (0) No scaling performed.
Equilibrium (1) Uses equilibrium scaling.
Geometric (2) Uses geometric scaling.
Automatic (3) Solvers decides.
Dynamic (4) Uses dynamic scaling.


Selects what manor of perturbation is performed.

None (0) No perturbation is used.
Use perturbation (50) Perturbation is used.
Automatic perturbation (100) Automatic perturbation is performed.
Perturbation not repeated (102) Perturbation will not be repeated.

Log output level

Setting that relays iterative information to the log, higher setting relays more information to the output log file.

Iteration limit

This is a limit on the number of iterations the solver will perform before terminating. The default is 99999999.

Time limit

This is a time limit in seconds for CoinMP to solve the optimization problem at hand. The default value of -1 imposes no time limit.

Use crash method

This is a flag indicating if an initial solution will be computed using crash routines.

Crash pivoting method

Defines the pivoting steps undertaken during the crash procedure, possible setting are:

No pivoting (-1) No pivoting used.
Automatic (0) Algorithm chooses.
Simple pivoting (1) Uses simple pivoting eg. GUB.
Mini iterations (2) Uses mini iterations.
Free variables in basis (3) Just place all the free variables in the basis.

Crash gap

Sets the gap limit between the bounds to move the corresponding variable to the basis.

Primal objective limit

Sets the maximum possible value the primal objective function can attain.

Dual objective limit

Sets the maximum possible value the dual objective function can attain.

Primal tolerance

An individual variable is deemed primal feasible if it is less than the primal tolerance referred to by these methods below its lower bound and less than it above its upper bound (for a minimization problem reverse is true for a maximization problem).

Dual tolerance

An individual variable is deemed dual feasible if its reduced cost is greater than minus the dual tolerance or its distance to the upper bound is less than primal tolerance and the reduced cost is less than plus the tolerance or the distance to lower bound is less than primal tolerance (for a minimization problem reverse is true for a maximization problem).

Node limit

This sets the limit on the maximum number of possible nodes generated during the branch and bound process. The default value is 9999999.

Maximum integer solutions

This sets the limit on the maximum number of possible integer feasible solutions found during the MIP optimization process. The default value is 9999999.

MIP time limit

This is a time limit in seconds for which CoinMP will search through the branch and bound tree. The default value is 1e100.

Use fathoming discipline

Boolean option that determines whether to use a strict fathoming discipline. If enabled, a small tolerance is added to the new cut-off. This can avoid problems due to roundoff when the target value is exact.

Minimum drop

Set the minimum drop to continue cuts. The default value is 0.0001.

Maximum cut passes

Specifies the maximum number of passes performed to generate the cuts. The default value is 10.

Maximum root node cut passes

Specifies the maximum number of passes performed at the root node to generate the cuts. The default value is 20.

Strong branching level

This sets the maximum number of candidates at a node to be evaluated for strong branching. The default is 5.

Scanning for global cuts

This option specifies the intensity in searching for cuts that can be applied globally to the model. The default value is 1, larger values means more time and effort will be used in finding global cuts which may or may not be an effective use of computational time.

Integral feasibility tolerance

An integer variable is considered integer feasible if the absolute difference from the nearest integer is smaller than this. The default value is 0.000001.

MIP Cut-off value

The incremental cut off value by in which an incumbent integer solution has to be be better than the best solution found thus far in the MIP search. The default value is 0.00001.

Absolute optimality gap

The absolute tolerance on the gap between the best bound and best known integer feasible solution.

Use probing

Boolean option that determines whether to enable the probing facility within CoinMP. The default setting is enabled.

Probing frequency

Sets the level of probing that is to be performed, higher the value can result increased computational time before starting the branch and bound search.

Use objective in probe

This is a boolean option indicating whether the objective function is used in probing.

Maximum node passes for probing

This sets the maximum number of passes that can be done per node for probing purposes. The default value is 3.

Probing variable limit

Sets the maximum number of unsatisfied variables to look at. The default value is 100.

Maximum single probing

Sets the maximum number of variables to look at in one probe. The default is 50.

Row cuts

Sets the type of row cuts used, possible settings are:

None (0) No cuts generated.
Disaggregation (1) Just cuts of dissagregation types.
Coefficient (2) Just coefficient row cut types.
Both (3) Does both coefficient and dissagregation type cuts.

Gomory cuts

This flag controls if gomory cuts will be used during the MIP optimization process. The default setting is enabled.

Gomory frequency

This sets the frequency of the gomory cut generation.

Gomory limit

Specifies the how dense the cuts can be generated, the default value of 50 means CoinMP will not generate cuts with more than 50 non-zero coefficients, to generate more dense cuts one needs to increase this limit.

Gomory tolerance

This value specifies the tolerance, whereby the gomory cut generator only looks at basic integer variables whose current value is at least this value from being integer.

Knapsack cuts

This flag controls if gomory cuts will be used during the MIP optimization process. The default setting is enabled.

Knapsack frequency

This sets the frequency of the knapsack cut generation.

Knapsack limit

Specifies the how dense the cuts can be generated, the default value of 50 means CoinMP will not generate cuts with more than 50 non-zero coefficients, to generate more dense cuts one needs to increase this limit.

Oddhole cuts

This flag controls if oddhole cuts will be used during the MIP optimization process. The default setting is enabled.

Oddhole frequency

This sets the frequency of the oddhole cut generation.

Oddhole minimum violation

Sets the minimum violations that are allowed for the oddhole cuts. The default is 0.001.

Oddhole minimum violation entry

Sets the minimum violations that are allowed per entry for the oddhole cuts. The default is 0.0003.

Oddhole limit

This sets the maximum number of entries in a oddhole cut. The default value is 100.

Clique cuts

This flag controls if clique cuts will be used during the MIP optimization process. The default setting is enabled.

Clique frequency

This sets the frequency of the clique cut generation.

Clique set packing

Boolean option that specifies whether the problem at hand is a set packing problem, if so CoinMP will generate specific cuts for the problem.

Clique star

Boolean option that specifies if star cliques will be enabled, the default setting is on.

Clique star candidate threshold

This controls the maximum number of candidates considered for the clique star generation of cuts. The default value is 12.

Clique star report

Boolean option that specifies if one creates a report on the clique star generation. The default is enabled.

Clique row

Boolean option that specifies if row cliques will be enabled, the default setting is on.

Clique row candidate threshold

This controls the maximum number of candidates considered for the clique row generation of cuts. The default value is 12.

Clique row report

Boolean option that specifies if one creates a report on the clique row generation. The default is enabled.

Clique minimum violation

This determines the minimum violation allowed for the clique cut generation.

Lift and project cuts

Boolean option that specifies if lift and project cuts will be generated, the default setting is enabled.

Lift and project cut frequency

This sets the frequency of the lift and project cut generation.

Lift and project normalization

Boolean option that specifies if normalization is done during cut generation, the default setting is enabled.

Simple rounding cuts

Boolean option that specifies if simple rounding cuts will be generated, the default setting is enabled.

Simple rounding cut frequency

This sets the frequency of the simple rounding cut generation.

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