Chapter 4. Description of Menus

Using the menus in MPL is same as in any other Windows program; just point to the menu you wish to use and press the left mouse button to pull it down. From there you can choose the menu item you want. You will notice that some of the commands in the pull-down menu are grayed or inactive. Which menus are active depends on what window is currently at the top and the state of the program.

Also, notice that some of the commands in the menus have an ellipsis '...' after them, indicating that you have to supply more information in a dialog box before MPL can carry out the command.

Some of the menu items are followed by a Ctrl-key entry. These Ctrl-key combinations are there to provide the user with a short-cut. Instead of pulling down menus and choosing the commands, you can just press Ctrl and the appropriate key at the same time.

This chapter provides a reference to all the menu items available in MPL

4.1 The Main Menu
4.2 The File Menu
4.3 The Edit Menu
4.4 The Search Menu
4.5 The Project Menu
4.6 The Run Menu
4.7 The View Menu
4.8 The Graph Menu
4.9 The Options Menu
4.10 The Window Menu
4.11 The Help Menu

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