Model Library - cases

The MPL Model Library (Cases), on this page, contains several model formulation cases with data sets based on real world problems that can be used as another source of homework assignments. These cases are larger and more difficult models than the examples and problems available in the other sections. If you are a teacher and would like to receive these model formulations please fill out the Request for Model Library Form. Below you will find a list of the model cases that are currently available.

Do you have a model case you would want to submit to the MPL Case Library?

The cases listed below were provided to us by various professors and teachers at well known universities. We are in the process of aquiring more cases to add to our library. If you have any cases or homework assignments that you would like to submit to be added to our collection we would appreciate your input. What we would need is a description of the problem for the students with the accompanying data and a sample formulation of the model. We will then publish your problem on our web site with appropriate credit given to you and your university.

Forestry Planning Case

This case is to determine the optimal daily operating policy for a sawmill and chipboard plant. The model is fairly small with about 20 to 30 variables and constraints but will provide an opportunity to practice on formulating a planning problem.

Lighting Post Production Planning

This case is to determine a production schedule for the workers of the Lighting Post manufacturing company that will enable them to meet the orders for their products.

Midwest Grain Elevator Case

This case is about Midwest Grain Elevator that performs storage and handling services for buyers and sellers of grain. The objective is to determine the blending of corn to different grades to satisfy demands.